San Felipe de Austin State Historic Site

Located in San Felipe, TX near Sealy and Katy you will find a very well done historic site. The site is located on the remains of Stephen F. Austin’s colony headquarters in Mexican Texas. It was a booming town in the 1820s and 1830s. The town had a hotel, printing press, law offices (one of the law offices was William B. Travis’s who would later command the Alamo garrison) and different districts. The city was built along the Brazos River so river boats could come to the city. The city was burned during the runaway scrape so it would not fall into the Mexican Army’s hands during the Texas Revolution. The city never recovered and was basically abandoned. The historic site has a very well done museum that contains artifacts from San Felipe and that time period. The museum has a lot of great interactive exhibits including a wall of touch screens where you can read stories about different aspects of life at the city. They also have a authentic 1800s cabin from the area and movies that tell the story of the city during the Texas Revolution. Outside the museum there is an interpretative trail that allows you to walk where the city once stood. There are markers describing what once stood in those areas. Across the street there are monuments to Steven F. Austin and a dogtrot cabin and an old general store. Its a great site to visit and learn more about the Texas story!