Dimassi’s Mediterranean Buffet

701 E Stassney Lane Unit B, Austin, TX 78745

Also locations in the Houston Area

If you want to try food from the Mediterranean and the Middle East in a fresh Buffet Dimassi’s is a great place to visit. Its a way you can try a wide variety of dishes from Greece, Turkey and other countries in the Middle East. This visit was on a trip to Austin from Houston and we decided with my good friend Kyle to get a great lunch after a nice morning touring Austin. I have been to multiple Dimassi’s in the Houston area but this was my first in the Austin area. We had a great experience from start to finish!

Our Experience

As soon as we entered the restaurant we were greeted by the friendly staff at the restaurant. The buffet was around $22 a person and we pay on the way out. They are very health conscious and provide light plastic gloves to use if you would like when going through the line. We saw staff cleaning and going through the buffet to make sure it was kept sanitary at all times. On the buffet you have many different salads available such as a Greek salad with fresh Kalmata Olives and Middle Eastern salads. You have many hummus types including my favorite the Spicy Hummus. There are many rice and meat dishes further along in the line. They bake fresh Pita Bread in a brick oven right in front of you and they are really good! There are many great drink choices such as fresh juices from the region. For dessert they have great Baklava with a sweet sauce you can put on it and have other regional dishes. We saw dishes that were very familiar to us on the buffet from our travels. Of course, Gyro meat, Pita and other dishes we had while in Greece but they also had dishes we had in Jordan. They had a Mansaf of the buffet and that is the National Dish of Jordan and dates back to the Bedouin tribes many years ago. Its a rice dish that is usually made with lamb meat but it can be with other meats. We had it multiple times in Jordan and its great! The Mansaf at Dimassi’s is like what we got in Jordan so it’s a great representation.  The restaurant itself is very clean and very nice inside. All the food is very fresh and hot. You can tell they do all they can to give you fresh good food. Music from the Middle East was playing in the restaurant and the decorations give you the feeling you are half the world away in the Middle East. We really enjoyed our visit to Dimassi’s in Austin and its one of the most fresh and cared for buffets we have been to. If you want a chance to see what the Middle Eastern and Greek food is like and a chance to try a lot of different food types from the region. You will love it if you go!

Fresh Salads!
Mansaf and Rice Dishes
Brick Oven for Pita