Travel and Tech - Lessons from Travel and Software Development

  • Travel and Tech - Lessons from Travel and Software Development

    Show Empathy and Help Others in Need

    When I travel I meet a lot of different people. Some are traveling overseas for the first time, some might be going on a cruise for the first time or they are heading to the United States for a long awaited trip. I usually talk to people on my travels and I have made some great friends still to this day. When I can I try to help others when traveling and during my professional life as well. Travel Experiences There has been many times when I have been on trips and I’ve seen people who are struggling or need advice. During travel you will almost always get busy dealing…

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  • Travel and Tech - Lessons from Travel and Software Development

    Have a Plan Before You Go

    I’ve heard many stories of people going on a trip with no plan and just winging it when they get there. That can be an exciting trip and I’ve done a last minute trip before where I planned the flights and everything a few days before we left. It worked out that time pretty well but much of the time traveling with no plan or research can lead to a mess in the end. Travel Experiences For us when we travel we are usually doing our research on the destination, purchasing flights, hotels and tours a few months ahead of the trip. We always start by of course where we…

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  • Travel and Tech - Lessons from Travel and Software Development

    When Things Go Wrong Work as a Team

    In both Software Engineering and Travel things definitely can go wrong. On a large scale people have seen when a combination of IT and Travel issues with Major Airlines and other services have had computer issues that have brought people’s travel to a standstill and caused great stress. Travel Experiences In my travels my wife and I have had plenty of issues that have left us stranded and scrambling to find a way to our destination or back home. In 2017 we went to New Mexico and Hurricane Harvey caused major flooding in Houston. We ended up stranded in New Mexico for a week. In 2021 while in Phoenix the…

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  • Travel and Tech - Lessons from Travel and Software Development

    Lessons from Traveling and Software Development

    I have found over all my travels and my software development experience that there are many lessons that can be learned from travel that can be put into practice as technical professionals to make us and our companies better. If you are not familiar with me, my name is Jason Miller and I have near 15 years of Software Development Experience working at both small and large (Fortune 500) companies and I’ve worked in a variety of types of development. I have coded Energy Measurement, Invoicing and Accounting, and custom HR software. Most recently I have been developing Workday software using Workday Extend. Before I became a developer I first…

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