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Holiday Season Events and Grenada

I hope you all are doing well and having a great holiday season so far. Christmas is just around the corner, and I know things can be busy getting ready for the holidays. There are quite a few nice Christmas activities that can be done with the family including one we visited recently in Bastrop, TX. Here are some of the events you could go to in the Texas Area (for those not in the Texas area you can click any link and view events in your city).

Houston, TX Events (Click Links Below)

Dallas, Texas (Click Links Below):

Austin, Texas

We recently visited the Harry Potter: Forbidden Forest Experience in Bastrop and it was great! A very unique experience going through the woods with creatures and people from the movies all around. This will be going from December to Mid-January and would make a great day trip. 


We recently visited Grenada know as Island of Spice in the Southern Caribbean just North of Trinidad. There is a lot to see and do there including unique Chocolate factories, spice production such as nutmeg, monkeys and of course beaches and resorts. We toured the Sandals Grenada Resort and stayed at the Radisson Resort. Check out my latest article going over all about this location!


As always contact us if you have any travel needs and let us be your Mission Control. Travel is a great Christmas gift, and we can help you plan your next adventure. We hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

Jason and Donna Miller -ET Family Travel


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