Encouragement, faith and Travel

Mental Healthcare in Texas and the US

Travel can have a lot of great benefits and one includes getting you away and trying something different. That can greatly help someone’s mental health. As of late unfortunately there have been many different meltdowns in the travel world that can effect people’s mental health in a negative way along with all the other stress in life.

Mental Health issues are a pandemic in itself in the US today. I personally know many people that struggle with Anxiety, depression, panic attacks and more due to a wide variety of things. The Covid-19 Pandemic increased the issues around Mental Health around the World. While there is so much need for care for Mental Health the coverage for it is very poor when it comes to insurance. The cost for therapists, and psychiatrists for a single visit can cost over $100. Many people just cannot afford that even with the great need. We hear about it a lot in the news especially in Texas around Mental Health being a major issue around the large amount of violence we have in the state. Yet mental healthcare is beyond reach for so many. We have got to change that and ensure coverage for Mental Healthcare is sufficient in Texas and the US. I want to encourage each one of you to send a quick email or a quick call to your Representative (US or State) to get them to support legislation that makes Mental Healthcare more affordable for people in Texas and the US. The current legislative session in Texas is in session so now is the time to try to make things better in Texas. If we do nothing around Mental Healthcare then we can expect the plague of violence in Texas and the US to continue. Lets work together to end the misery around Mental Health and make a dent in the violence we see around the country.

Below I have included a sample email you can send to your Texas State representative and some links to find your representative to send an email to. You can tweak the email as you se fit. Please join me in trying to make some change.

Sample email:

Dear Representative YOUR REP NAME,

    I want to wish you well in the new session in congress. There are many important topics to be discussed this year from immigration to property taxes. Another topic that has been in the news a lot is Mental Health in regards to the violence in our state. I want to encourage you to look into ways to lower costs for Mental Healthcare and make sure Texas Medical Insurance companies cover Mental Healthcare as many do not and treat it as optional care similar to plastic surgery. The cost to see a Mental Healthcare professional such as a psychiatrist or therapist can be well over $100 for a single visit and that is unaffordable for many. If we want to truly help Mental Health in our state making it affordable and covered by insurance in our state would be a great start as too many cannot afford to get the help they need. I urge you to not forget this important topic as so many different issues are discussed in congress this session. Thank you for your time!


Your Name

How to find your representative:

Texas House of Reps:


US Representative:


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