The People of Our Travels

The People of Our Travels – Intro

Visiting the sites and ticking off cities, states and countries on your bucket list is definitely an important part of travel. Trying new foods and going to wonderful museums and monuments is another great part of travel. One aspect people do not look at quite a much and is a very important part of our travels are the people you meet a long the way.

Through our travels in The States or abroad we run into and talk with many different people from a very diverse cultures. The people we talk with might be the owner of local businesses. We might be on a tour and strike up a conversation with the people around us. Sometimes we get to know a tour guide on the numerous tours we have taken or it might be talking with a hotel worker, a taxi cab or Uber driver or someone working at a restaurant we have had the chance to chat with many different people from all walks of life.

In our travels we had had many different questions about the United States and have dispelled rumors about Texas. Its given us the chance to learn from many different people around the world about their experiences in their home countries and hear what they think about our country. We have been able to be ambassadors in a sort telling the good and the bad about our own country. We have had great experiences where people have bought us gifts on tours but have also ran into scammers and some difficult people in our travels.

In this new blog series I am going to tell some of the stories we have had over the past years from the good and the bad. I hope to give you all some insight in another reason we love to travel, the people we meet along the way.

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