Travel News

US Pre-Departure International Covid Test

While the pandemic has caused a lot of changes in travel and many for good measure, countries are starting to relax Covid protocols for travelers. Most countries we have visited recently no longer require covid tests or any paperwork for visitors. Many of the countries around the world have dropped Covid testing including some that have been very strict in the past when it comes to visitors. The United States is not one of them as they continue to stubbornly hold onto this rule. I am a supporter of the C.D.C., I still wear N95 Masks when I travel and when in crowds and I am fully vaccinated. I still take precautions but I believe like many travelers that its time to end the US Pre-Departure International Covid test. The test has not stopped a single variant from entering the United States. The test is meant to guard the nation against variants outside the US but has never done so as Delta and Omicron raced through the country. I have read that it could also be meant to slow down the spread of variant entering the country but it is debatable if it even does that. With the entire country opened back up with packed stadiums, restaurants and bars testing a small segment of the country really does no good. If you are truly afraid of a burglar coming into you home would you only lock the front door but leave the back door and all the windows open? We are also not testing at the land borders of the country so Covid could enter that way as well. The testing policy is a windfall for testing companies as tests abroad could cost $50-100 a test. While this policy had value earlier in the pandemic when fewer people were vaccinated it just doesn’t make sense any more. If many formerly strict countries no longer see value with the testing then we should follow suit. You can read plenty of articles out there of high profile doctors agreeing that the policy no longer makes sense.

I urge you to join me and write The White House an email to encourage them to get rid of this policy. You will see below an email pre-written that you could send to the White House. I also recommend you write your representatives as well. If we do not respectfully write our officials this policy will never end. You will also find links to the White House Contact Form and how to find your Representatives:

Sample Email:

Dear President Biden,

I am writing to you today to urge you to end the international pre-departure Covid Testing currently required. It provides no value at this time. Many countries have already ended this test, no testing is being done at our land borders and with the country being wide open this does nothing to protect people. This has not stopped variants from entering the US. I urge you to end this mandate immediately. Thank you for your time!


Your Name

White House Contact Form:

Find your Representative


  • Joanne

    Please please end the pre departure test immediately. It is stressing me out before my flight next week and I have a heart problem. I don’t think I can cope with this anymore and won’t travel again until it stops.

    • admin

      I agree completely and feel the same way! If you haven’t done so send The White House a quick email and contact your representatives. It only takes a few minutes!