Encouragement, faith and Travel

Cruise Ship Pilots

Donna and I take a decent amount of cruises as we find they are some of the most economical ways to travel to a bunch of countries and destinations in one trip. We have visited many countries through our times on cruise ships. If you have ever been on deck while you sail into a new harbor or are sailing out of a the harbor a small boat will come up to the ship and drop someone off to the ship. This is the harbor pilot. He knows the waters around the port and the way to steer the ship clear of obstacles. Its not an easy job as there can be many different factors from bad weather and rough seas they will need to steer the ship through. On the over a dozen cruises they have always guided us safely to our destinations.

In life we will head to familiar ports but the conditions might be rough at the time. We also throughout our lives enter new ports we have never been to and might be wary of heading in. The good thing for all of us is we do not need a special pilot to come to the ship like on our cruises. With Christ by our side we have a permanent pilot who will help guide us through any of the new places or through rough seas. If we ask for his help he will be there to guide us and give us comfort. Sometimes the seas might be too rough and the ship captain and the pilots deem they cannot go to that destination on a particular cruise. While that will be disappointing it is the right course of action to keep everyone safe. That also might be the case in our lives with disappointments come and Christ is guiding us to go in a different way.

So as you go through the rough seas and go to unfamiliar places to always call on your permanent pilot through prayer to guide you to a safer harbor and to go places you never thought you would or could visit!

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