Travel News

Dallas Love Field Connections and Delays

If you are like me I fly Southwest (I fly a variety of airlines) pretty often when I travel domestically. For some routes you will have to change planes and one of the Southwest Hubs you might fly through is Dallas Love Field. Dallas Love field is a really nice airport with some great places to eat and very modern and nice décor. Its also very easy to navigate the airport and they have great technology pointing you to your gate.

There is an issue right now though when connecting through Dallas Love Field as we have encountered. Dallas Love Field usually has two runways they use but one is currently being rebuilt so for all landings and takeoffs they are down to using just one. This causes delays and FAA mandated holds on planes. When we flew to Lubbock we changed planes both ways in Dallas. Each way our flight was delayed by the FAA due to too much traffic. The delays were about 30 minutes each time and for us it severely cut into our time changing planes and caused us to run across the airport to make it.

So if you are looking to connect in Dallas Love Field I highly recommend you look at connection times over 1 hour at a bare minimum with a preference of a little longer due to this ongoing issue. Here is an article with more details:

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