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Flying Delta Airlines During the Pandemic

Donna and I recently took flights from Houston to Salt Lake City and then a Delta Connection flight to Grand Junction in Colorado. We found that Delta is going above and beyond to keep people as safe as possible and we were impressed with each step of the process. Like I always say during these times it is up to you to decide if you want to travel or go anywhere based on the risks but we found our experience to be safe and enjoyable.

Check In: Like other airlines we have flown Delta requires everyone to wear masks while checking in at the counter and plexiglass shields help keep some separation between you and the agent. We found this to be the case at Houston Bush International Airport , Salt Lake City International and Grand Junction Regional Airport. People were social distancing in line and we did not get near anyone. The agent will ask you a few Covid-19 related questions to make sure you have not tested positive, knowingly been exposed or have any symptoms.

Airport Security: Airport Security was similar at each airport. The TSA agent that checks your ID and boarding pass was enclosed in a plexiglass shield and you scan your own boarding pass. You only give the TSA agent your ID and you briefly lower you mask so they can see you. Not much has changed when going through the rest of the process except social distancing is encouraged.

At the Gate and Terminal: For the most part while waiting not much has changed other than encouraging social distancing and masks are required unless you are eating something in the terminal. At Houston Bush International we were able to sit away from everyone and be distanced until the flight left. The Salt Lake City Airport was pretty crowded in the beautiful brand new Terminal A (less than a month old) but in the other terminals there was plenty of room to social distance. At the Salt Lake City Airport (a Delta hub) Delta did a great job providing hand sanitizer at every gate and even in baggage claim. The Grand Junction Airport is a smaller airport but there was room to distance from people since the planes were also smaller and did not carry as many people.

Delta Gate with Plexiglass and hand sanitizer

Boarding and the Flight: Delta boards those those that need extra time, then Elite SkyMiles members, people who are in the armed services and then they board from the back of the plane to the front to avoid as much interaction as possible. We were towards the back each time and boarded the plane near the front. When you first walk onto the plane a Delta Flight Attendant hands you a Purell Sanitizing wipe for you to use at your seat. Once we got to our seat we used it to clean all the touch areas and open up our air vents for more ventilation. The crew made multiple announcements that everyone must wear a face covering and it must cover both your nose and your mouth. The only time you can temporarily remove it is to eat or drink. We found that everyone was compliant with this from what we could tell and the crew did a great job working to keep us safe. They hand out zip lock baggies of snacks that include Chex Mix, Belgian Cookies, a small bottle of water and a small Purell packet for your hands. The snacks were very nice and it was once again done safely. Middle seats are left open on Delta so there is a little more room between people. We really enjoyed our flights on Delta and the same quality was found on the mainline and Delta Connection flights.

The Delta Snack Pack

Deplaning and Baggage Claim: We really liked the new Delta deplaning process and I’d like to see this become more permanent on all airlines. As we were taxing to the gate the crew announced that everyone should stay seated and only get up once it is your rows turn to leave the plane. Most of the time people jump in the aisle and start to get their things the second the plane parks. In each of our flights most people stayed seated and only got their things when it was their turn. This made deplaning much more orderly and to me faster and it was safer as more social distancing was maintained. At each of the airports when we checked bags the bags came out quickly and we were able to social distance pretty easily each time. At Salt Lake City Delta provided hand sanitizer stations in between each claim area so you can continue to keep your hands clean.

Salt Lake City Baggage Claim

We found that Delta is really working to keep people safe on their flights and multiple times made sure people were wearing masks and wearing them properly. Giving us sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer being available all over the airport is also a very nice touch. They clean their planes as well to make sure germs are killed. The boarding and deplaning processes also makes things safer and more orderly than they ever have been in flight. For me Delta is one of the safest airlines out there and did a great job on our flights!

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